Hi. I’m Anne

I’m a physician – geriatric and palliative care.

I’m a mother – three adult kids who are living and learning from life’s ups and downs, just like their mother. And one grandchild – so precious.

I’m an orphan – sounds silly, but it still feels like that even though I lost my mother in my early 50’s. I was a daughter for all those years and learned so much from supporting my mother as she lived with and died from dementia.

I know what it is like to juggle the life and responsibilities of a physician, mother and daughter. I struggled, but I learned so much while I did it I was often worn out and finally burnt out, unhappy and depressed.

But I found the magic key. I learned to care for my patients, my children, my mother and MYSELF. I learned to live my best life, supporting those I wanted to in ways that I wanted to.

I would love to help you do the same. In fact, its now part of my life mission.

Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

My Mission

Simply – to help you find strength and peace within yourself so that you can do the work you want to do in this world -with your parents, with your patients, with everyone you encounter.

I know your mission is to help others – your patients, your family, your parents, but it seems too much. You are being buffeted by the waves of life AND want to be the stable rock where others can find refuge.

I’ve been there – I had 3 children that I love (now adults), a busy clinical practice that I loved, research, teaching and mentoring that I loved……and a mother who was living with dementia 1500 miles away. (- who I love but….had some issues to sort out).  But, I was floundering – I loved all of it, but was exhausted and frankly depressed, from worrying that one of the balls was going to drop – that I would let my children, my patients, my research, my students and trainees or my mother down……and in the end, I let myself down.  But……I learned so much.  I tried everything.  Much like a dieter…I tried a bit of this and a bit of that. But, each was just a band-aid on the issues. 

You have important things to accomplish – with your family and in the world.

Let me help you find the way to be the ROCK that you desire to be so that you can do the work you are MEANT to do.